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This command will generate light maps and apply them automatically to any objects, both static and dynamic, where specified.

CREATE LIGHT MAPS Texture Size, Texture Quality, LightMapSavePath
Texture Size

Specifies the lightmap size of the texture plate that will be used to hold the lightmaps generated, the default being 16 Texture Quality Integer
Specifies the quality of the final lightmap, the default being 1 LightMapSavePath String
Specifies a folder that will be used to store all the lightmaps generated during this process, for better asset management


This command does not return a value.


The lightmap files are also saved out to a relative location so they can be loaded in later on. The quality of the lightmapping can be controlled from a number of parameters in the command.

Example Code
cls 0 : ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : circle 16,16,14

scorchimage=1 : get image scorchimage,0,0,32,32

set static universe 40*100,21*100,40*100


if file exist(tfile$)=1

 dividetexturesize=0 : load static objects tfile$,dividetexturesize : omax=1


 collision=2 : Arbitraryvalue=0 : shadow=1 : portal=1 : o=1

 for x=0 to 10 : for z=0 to 10

  make object box o,100,5,100 : position object o,x*100,2.5,z*100

  make static object o,collision,Arbitraryvalue,shadow,portal : inc o

  if x=6 and z=6

   make object cube o,25 : make mesh from object 1,o : position object o,x*100,-10,z*100

   for l=1 to 15 : add limb o,l,1 : offset limb o,l,0,l*28,0 : make static limb o,l,collision,Arbitraryvalue,shadow,portal : next l : inc o


 next z : next x

 for w=1 to 4

  if w=1 then sx=1000 : sz=50 : px=500 : pz=0

  if w=2 then sx=1000 : sz=50 : px=500 : pz=1000

  if w=3 then sx=50 : sz=1000 : px=0 : pz=500

  if w=4 then sx=50 : sz=1000 : px=1000 : pz=500

  make object box o,sx,200,sz : position object o,px,100,pz

  make static object o,collision,Arbitraryvalue,shadow,portal : inc o

 next w

 for er=12 to 33 : delete static object er : next er

 build static portals : delete light map lights : add static objects to light map pool

 make object cube o,100 : position object o,600,75,400 : add object to light map pool o

 make mesh from object 3,o : add limb o,1,3 : offset limb o,1,0,0,-125

 add limb to light map pool o,1 : inc o

 add light map light 400,90,800,500,255,0,0,50,1

 add light map light 200,90,400,500,0,255,0,50,1

 add light map light 800,90,200,500,0,0,255,50,1

 texturesize=16 : texturequality=1 : lightmapsavepath$="lightmaps"

 if path exist(lightmapsavepath$)=0 then make directory lightmapsavepath$

 create light maps texturesize,texturequality,lightmapsavepath$

 if file exist(tfile$)=1 then delete file tfile$

 save static objects tfile$ : omax=o

 for i=1 to omax-1 : delete object i : next i


set static scorch scorchimage,1,1

d=omax : make object cone d,100 : make mesh from object 2,d : add limb d,1,2 : rotate limb d,1,90,0,0

offset limb d,1,0,0,50 : scale limb d,1,30,100,30

position object d,500,150,600 : color object d,rgb(255,255,0) : yrotate object d,0 : attach object to static d

make object cube d+1,50 : position object d+1,700,200,500 : make object box d+2,100,100,20 : make object box d+3,80,80,40

perform csg difference d+2,d+3 : position object d+3,100,150,925 : position object d+2,100,50,925

make object box d+4,100,100,20 : make object box d+5,80,80,40 : perform csg union d+4,d+5 : position object d+5,300,150,925 : position object d+4,300,50,925

make object box d+6,100,100,20 : make object box d+7,80,80,40 : perform csg intersection d+6,d+7 : position object d+7,500,150,925 : position object d+6,500,50,925

make object box d+8,100,100,20 : make object box d+9,80,80,40 : perform csg clip d+8,d+9 : position object d+9,700,150,925 : position object d+8,700,50,925

make object sphere d+11,75,30,30 : make mesh from object d+11,d+11 : reduce mesh d+11,0,0,10,5,10

delete object d+11 : make object d+11,d+11,0 : position object d+11,900,150,925

make object box d+10,100,100,20 : make mesh from object d+10,d+10

lock vertexdata for mesh d+10

perform csg difference on vertexdata d+11 : perform csg union on vertexdata d+11 : perform csg intersection on vertexdata d+11

unlock vertexdata

delete object d+10 : make object d+10,d+10,0 : position object d+10,900,50,925

set global shadows on : set global shadow shades 1 : set global shadow color 0,0,0,64

set shadow light 1,300,500,700,2000 : set shadow position -1,300,500,700

for i=0 to 11 : set shadow shading on d+i : next i

position camera 300,50,300 : point camera 500,50,500

set point light 0,500,300,500 : set ambient light 20

set normalization on : sync on : sync rate 60

while mouseclick()=0

 if inkey$()="-" then set static portals on

 if inkey$()="=" then set static portals off

 if inkey$()="[" then set static objects wireframe on

 if inkey$()="]" then set static objects wireframe off

 control camera using arrowkeys 0,2,4

 x#=object position x(d) : y#=object position y(d) : z#=object position z(d)

 nx#=newxvalue(x#,object angle y(d),75.0) : nz#=newzvalue(z#,object angle y(d),75.0)

 if static raycast(x#,y#,z#,nx#,y#,nz#)=0

  yrotate object d,object angle y(d)+rnd(10)/100.0 : move object d,1


  yrotate object d,object angle y(d)+1 : add static scorch 25,0


 if static volume(x#,y#,z#,x#,y#-5,z#,10)=0 then position object d,x#,y#-5,z#

 if createdinvisiblefloor=0

  make static collision box -100,-200,-100,1100,0,1100 : createdinvisiblefloor=1


  x#=object position x(d+1) : y#=object position y(d+1) : z#=object position z(d+1)

  if get static collision hit(x#-25,y#-25,z#-25,x#+25,y#+25,z#+25,x#-25,y#-30,z#-25,x#+25,y#+20,z#+25)=0

   y#=y#-grav# : inc grav#,0.5


   colArbitraryvalue=get static collision value() : colcount=get static collision count() : colfloor=get static collision floor()

   x#=x#+get static collision x() : y#=y#+get static collision y() : z#=z#+get static collision z()


  position object d+1,x#,y#,z#

  if static line of sight(x#,y#,z#,x#,y#-5,z#-1,0.1,0.1)=1 then grav#=grav#*-0.95




set global shadows off : detach object from static d : delete static objects
