DarkBASIC Professional Help Wiki

This command will make the specified 3D object fade to the current ambient light level.

FADE OBJECT Object Number, Fade Value
Object Number

The object number Fade Value Float
With ambient light set to zero and the object faded using a value of zero, the object will be completely unlit. With a fade value of 200 its illumination will be doubled. With a fade value of 50, the illumination is halved


This command does not return a value.


With ambient light set to zero and the object faded using a value of zero, the object will be completely unlit. With a fade value of 200 its illumination will be doubled. With a fade value of 50, the illumination is halved. This technique can also be used with a ghosted object to slowly fade an object until completely invisible. The parameter should be specified using an integer value. Be aware that this command affects the actual material colour of the object. To use an alpha fade, use the SET ALPHA MAPPING ON command.

Example Code
hide mouse:cls 0:autocam off




make object sphere SecondObject,1

load object "models\model.x",ObjectNumber

load image "iron.jpg",ImageNumber

append object "models\extraanim.x", ObjectNumber, total object frames(ObjectNumber)+1

set object interpolation ObjectNumber,50

position object ObjectNumber,0,0,0

position object SecondObject,0,0,0

position camera 0,2,4

point camera 0,0,0

while mouseclick()=0

set cursor 0,0

print "press e to fade object"

if inkey$()="e" then for t=100 to 1 step -1:fade object ObjectNumber,t:sleep 25:next t:wait 1000*4:fade object ObjectNumber,100

print "press up arrow key"

if upkey()=1 then move camera  1:while scancode()<>0:endwhile

print "press down arrow key"

if downkey()=1 then move camera -1:while scancode()<>0:endwhile

print "press left arrow key"

if leftkey()=1 then turn camera left 1

print "press right arrow key"

if rightkey()=1 then turn camera right 1


while mouseclick()=1:endwhile

if object exist(ObjectNumber)=1 then delete object ObjectNumber

if object exist(SecondObject)=1 then delete object SecondObject

if image exist(ImageNumber)=1 then delete image ImageNumber
